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Consultant Network

Consultant Network

Office Hours

We provide bimonthly consultancy in the areas of:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Revenue Management
  • Legal
  • Taxation


Dates and times to be indicated in the previous month.
Venue: In the Meeting Room at ARHCESMO Headquarters
Intended: To Associates

Rede de Consultores

How it works:

1- Associate signs up with ARHCESMO, filling in the questionnaire below.

2- Data is passed to the consultant for preparation and any request for clarification before the office hours session.

3- The member will be informed of what is possible to solve in the session and what aspects are not.

4- On the appointed day, the consultant and the associate meet for a work session in order to clarify and assist the associate with the situation posed.

The consultant reserves the right not to accept the proposal for office hours if the clarifications come out of the areas in question, or if due to its complexity it is not feasible.

  • Each member can only register once a semester.
  • Each session with a maximum duration of 1 hour
  • When registering the associated hotel, a confidentiality agreement is signed between the hotel and the consultant.

Consultants Network - Quiz

This questionnaire is confidential for exclusive use at Office Hours. The matters contained herein, under any circumstances, cannot be disclosed by both parties, associate and consultant, and should be restricted to professionals directly connected.
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  • ARHCESMO Partners

    Parceiros Rede T

    Parceiros IEFP

    Parceiros HotelShop

    Parceiros BrowserBox

    Parceiros Turismo Portugal

    Parceiros GCAR Advogados

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  • ARHCESMO is Member of:

    Turismo Cascais

    Confederacao Turismo Portugues

    Turismo Lisboa

    Codigo Etica Turismo

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